Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Spring Fever - 5/29

It's safe to say a routine is established.  Feed babies, change diapers, wash bottles, feed babies, change diapers, do laundry, repeat.  Yup, that's it.  Well, except for the occasional bath which continues to be a baby favorite.  Madison was afraid to here that this would be her last bath for a couple days. 

After bath time, she had her first dress to look forward too.  She's celebrating in her spring colors. 

Brooklyn continues to enjoy bath time as well, and that warm towel is still her favorite. 

She was quite excited to join her sister in playing dress up by trying on a dress of her own. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New Kids On The Block - 5/21

These girls are already expanding their horizons and announcing their presence to the neighborhood (in more ways than one).  After being cooped up in hospitals, incubators and cribs, it was time to parade through the neighborhood in this beautiful 75 degree Colorado weather.  The same weather can be credited to our open windows where the girls saved Mom and Dad the trouble of telling the neighbors the girls had been discharged.  Sorry to those of you reading. 

All these outdoor adventures got us a little dirty and called for another bath.  Fortunately they still love their baths, especially the dryer-warmed towels they receive at the end.  Any excuse to briefly lose the oxygen tubes is welcome too.

(Brooklyn clearly enjoying a day at Spy Baby)

(Brooklyn again enjoying Spy Baby in her heated towel)

All the fun at home still has to be interrupted with some occasional business, such as Friday's (5/17) visit to the Pediatrician.  Madison and Brooklyn checked in at 4 lb 10 oz and 5 lb 5 oz, respectively, and were deemed otherwise healthy.  The order for oxygen shouldn't last more than another week or two.  

(Madison awaiting her first visit from the Doc) 

(Brooklyn on left, Madison on right)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Madison's Homecoming! -5/15

Just 1 week behind her sister, Madison had enough of letting Brooklyn be the guinea pig and decided it was time.  She passed all her necessary hospital tests and, with oxygen in tow, was discharged and came home with us this morning!  While it was only the Brady episodes that really kept her this last week, she heard rumors it was her weight and had been eating like a pig.  At last check, she was 4 lb 7.8 oz.  This capped more than 2 months of daily (or more) visits to the hospital pre and post birth for Mom and Dad!!  Both girls did a photo shoot with a photographer at the hospital before they left (pictures not yet available, sorry).  The drive home was uneventful.

(First car ride home with both girls)

(Madison stocking up on sleep so she can put Mom and Dad to the test at home)

Brooklyn had sufficiently broken in all the contraptions around the house.  Out of the rockers, bouncers, pack & plays, cribs and everything else, she seems to prefer the rocker and the crib.  It's early to say, but this might work well as Madison enjoyed her first nap in the bouncer which Brooklyn gladly gave up.  

(Brooklyn, a little tired from a night of keeping the family awake)

For the sake of the girls' health, and Mom and Dad's sanity, there likely wont be much venturing from the house yet with two babies plus oxygen tanks.  Now that the family is all together at home,  the pediatrician will be the next big adventure on Friday. 

 (Madison on left, Brooklyn on right)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Brooklyn's Homecoming - 5/09

BROOKLYN IS HOME!! As of Tuesday the 7th (at exactly 1 month old) Brooklyn gave her sister a few words of encouragement and kissed Madison goodbye.  Brooklyn had passed the "room air challenge," the "car seat challenge," and even her hearing test.  We gathered her belongings and loaded her into the car seat for her first ever ride in the car.  She was quite content as she had just finished dinner with Madison before departing and when she got home was wide awake taking in all of her new surroundings.  She even placed a few phone calls via FaceTime to reach out to family.  Her oxygen was delivered that evening and she is fully stocked now.

(The car ride home.  Parked at the time, of course)

Brooklyn filled in properly for her absent sister by screaming through most of the night.  Lindsay was kind enough to take each and every night shift as Danny had to work the next morning but no one in the house slept soundly, to be clear.  The three of us had a talk the next morning and worked it out so the the second night was much more pleasant.  Brooklyn explained she may have been cold and wasn't used to dark and quiet of the bedroom compared to the usually hopping NICU environment she just left behind.

(An "evil" smile...a precursor to the night that lie ahead)

Although its easier to spend time with Brooklyn at the moment, we haven't forgotten her older sister (by 1 minute).  Madison quickly upped her game and passed her "room air challenge" with higher scores than Brooklyn earned a couple days prior.  Remember, she had already passed her hearing test and will soon take the "car seat challenge" which isn't expected to be an obstacle.  Due to her lower birth weight, Madison will be taking an eye sight test that Brooklyn didn't need too.  Madison is eating so much its hard to believe a person this small can handle it.  She put on nearly 2 ounces over the last 24 hrs alone!  It's just the Brady's that are keeping her tied to the hospital for now.  Our girls have made so many friends with the nurses that the staff fights over who gets them on the next shift and Lindsay and Danny will need to make sure the nurses aren't secretly trying to keep the girls here longer than necessary.

(Madison, on left, questioning why her sister gets to go home.  Brooklyn not so sure about the people she's being released too)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

One (Small) Foot Out The Door - 5/05

Today is the day that half asleep begins to take on a more literal meaning.  Last night we stayed in the hospital's "family room" where we had the privilege of practicing parenthood through the night.  The cribs were rolled, monitors intact, into the dedicated, private bedroom for us to make into our temporary home and take charge of all feedings, etc throughout the night.  After a long week for Mom and Dad, Madison wanted to party and wouldn't take "no" for an answer.  Still, a nice way to ease into everything and a big indication that our girls are close to graduating from the NICU entirely.  Brooklyn could be home in as little as one day but may decide to hang with her sister for a few more.  

(New, temporary home in the NICU "family room")

Graduating from the NICU is only the beginning.  In fact, Madison has her sights set on graduating from medical school already as she continues calling the shots regarding her own medical care illustrated by her recent decision to remove her feeding tube so that she can take all feedings exclusively through the bottle, which her and her sister are doing quite well.  Brooklyn waited more patiently for the nursing staff to make that same decision though.  

(Madison, feeding-tube free, only with oxygen)

For Brooklyn, going home wont be accomplished without passing a series of rigorous tests.  Aside from the bottle feeding, today, she passed her "room air challenge" which, despite still being on oxygen, proves she wouldn't find herself in a predicament should she start making medical decisions of her own and remove her tube unnoticed at home.  She was only required to maintain her oxygen threshold for 40 minutes but did so for 2 hours.  Next up will be the "car seat challenge" where she must maintain her oxygen well while positioned as she will be in her carseat.  If she continues to forgo additional Brady episodes, she can go home at her leisure after passing this test tomorrow. 

(Brooklyn just kickin' it)

(Bonus Pic: Madison on left; Brooklyn on right, shortly before she had her feeding tube removed)

Friday, May 3, 2013

One Month Down and Still Got That New Baby Smell - 5/02

We're inching closer to one month with Madison and Brooklyn (born April 7th) and the hospital staff is preparing us to bring them home, hopefully within the next two weeks.  They must pass a few "tests" including five days with no Bradys (episodes of falling heart rate), maintaining healthy levels of oxygen while sitting in their carseats, and taking all of their feedings via bottle (versus a tube) in a 24 hour period.  In the meantime, we're practicing flying solo with the girls....

(Brooklyn to the left)

They were also recently lectured by Dad that they can't come home until they agreed that dating wont be allowed until age 25.  They listened to the argument but likely opposed his views.

(Madison closest to Dad)

Madison just broke the 4 lb mark and has mastered her bottle feeding practically overnight.  She also passed her hearing test today!  Brooklyn is trending well with her weight and sits at around 4 lb 8 oz now but didn't pass her hearing test yet but we are told this isn't that unusual and we shouldn't worry just yet.  


All of this recent activity and talk of going home has tired them out.  We asked Madison for a final photo op but she declined.