Monday, January 27, 2014

Super Bowl Bound! 1/27/14

Our blog first...a video! Our girls have their own language now as you can see and hear below...

It's hard to tell it's January with the 60 degree weather we've had.  Before we plopped down with friends for the AFC Championship game we went for a stroll through the neighborhood with our little Broncos Cheerleaders.

In between the nice weather, the house still needs to be kept up so the girls pitch in and help with laundry among other tasks. 

After the chores are done, it's back to playing.  We've spent many days walking through the park, but only recently did the girls stop to enjoy the playground.  Madison wasn't quite sure the purpose of such a strange device but Brooklyn was scheming to go higher and faster from the second she got in.  

All this work and play makes for some hungry babies!  They thoroughly enjoy hanging at the table for meals and trying the wide variety of pureed foods that mom prepares.  Of the many foods they've sampled, strangely hummus has been the only item drawing a classic baby eating reaction.  Mom and Dad have learned to hide the puffs (an easily dissolving cereal kind of food) and "Mum Mums" (a rice biscuit) until the main course is nearly complete. 

The girls are saving their energy now for the big game this weekend.  Until then....GO BRONCOS!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year Resolutions & 9 Months- 1/08/14

The holidays have come and gone but not without some lasting memories.  Santa made his first visit to the Abrams twins and, after some close evaluation, was not deemed a serious threat by the girls.  Honestly, they seemed to enjoy him.

Naturally, the gifts were a hit, but the wrapping paper may have been the bigger attraction.  It must taste delicious. 

Brooklyn caught a tummy bug on Christmas eve and we only began to realize what a champ she had been after ALL of us, friends and family, caught the same thing and felt AWFUL!  You almost wouldn't have known it from her!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  The girls rang in the new year in style (on London time) before heading up for their usual 12 hour snooze.  It was a great cap to a wild year.  One that introduced the girls to the world, albeit with nearly 1 in 3 days spent in a doctor's office or hospital over the entire year!  The down times pale in comparison to all that we were blessed with this year.

BUT....The girls still came up with some new year resolutions:


"I resolve to ditch my oxygen for good, acquire a taste for formula (or persevere over my soy and dairy allergies instead), GAIN weight, skip my 11pm feeding, stop stealing pacifiers from my sister, watch where I roll so that I don't get stuck against furniture, speak instead of screech, and wash my feet before feeding them to Brooklyn."


"I resolve to ditch my oxygen for good as well, to brush all 7 of my new teeth, learn to flip BACK onto my back once I rollover so that I don't try to sleep on my face, add "dada" to my existing sounds of "mama" and "baba," to try and let my sister get a word in once and a while, to crawl forwards rather than just spin around or push myself backwards, and to play with the toys in front of me instead of the ones already in my sister's mouth or hands." 

Nine months have passed so the girls suited up as usual and lined up for their mugshots against a beautiful growth chart they received as a gift from family.

Madison took a shot at standing on her own against the wall and did great...

...Brooklyn was less excited about this exercise. 

Again, Happy New Year to all!!