Saturday, April 26, 2014

Happy 1st Easter!

More than a year into life, this is the girls' first Easter, funny how that works!  A wonderful Easter it was, too.  The weather was great and we enjoyed much of our day taking in the sun.  Dinner was Madison's favorite, lamb.  We'll spare you the text and share mostly pictures this time. 


Now that we stand, nap time is more like social hour.  This surprise shot was captured mid-nap. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Madison & Brooklyn!

Happy 1st Birthday Madison & Brooklyn!  These spoiled little girls were more than grateful to have received so much time, attention, and gifts from their friends and family over these last few weeks (not that there's ever a shortage of any of the above).  

They act much older and wiser than just one year old as they kick back in these comfy new chairs of theirs, complements of Gigi & Grandpa Swanson

Thanks to Aunt Laura for baking two very delicious cakes special for each girl.  Unfortunately the happy (and mildly unimpressed) faces pictured below were the happier of the cake-eating moments.  It isn't confirmed but Dad speculates that they have Mom's eating habits and simply wanted a fruit or vegetable over such a sweet treat (their first!)

These kids should come with timers.  At least that way, everyone would get there fair share of time with them.  Fights almost broke out over baby-time but all ended peacefully. 

We even squeezed in a brief family picture amidst all the madness. 

Since Gigi and Grandpa Swanson were, unfortunately, unable to attend the original shin-dig, the girls gladly donned their birthday best for a second round.

Four generations of family were in attendance.  Great Grandmommy made the difficult trek from central Florida to Colorado for the first time in 8 years for the "can't miss" party of the year. 

And (almost) as exciting...they finally got to meet Uncle Matthew; Dad's almost-twin-but-five-years-younger brother! (Thanks for the hats and headbands Uncle Matthew & Aunt Jessica)

It's so hard to decide which gifts are our favorites.  We sure do love our activity centers...

and the multi-colored tunnel from Papa J (Abrams) is a hit....

but how can you beat wrapping paper and ribbons??

Papa J also couldn't help but turn his first granddaughters into little minions for a while. 

 Parties aside, the girls are staying busy progressing through other growth milestones.  They both are avid crawlers and get into everything.  They stand themselves on anything they can grab ahold of but still need a tiny bit of support.  No un-assisted walking is taking place yet but we suspect Madison may break out as the first soon enough.  

The girls continue to make progress in weight and height on the growth chart and seldom is it even a discussion anymore.  Unfortunately, oxygen is still a part of the routine at nap and bedtime.  No official word on why but further studying will probably take place in the next couple months.  Overall, everyone's happy and healthy.