(Madison with Danny and Brooklyn with Lindsay)
It's hard to believe they're 3 weeks old tomorrow. Despite a lot of routine every three hours when they're fed and have their temperatures taken, each day holds new adventures and exciting news. They are both having fewer Brady episodes and are consistently putting on weight. Brooklyn is past her birth weight and weighs in at a hefty 4 lbs 5 oz. Madison now tips the scales at 3 lbs 12 oz and continues to close the weight gap as she gets better at bottle feeding.
(Madison bottle feeding)
In fact, Madison has graduated to a crib effective today! Pictures to follow. Brooklyn was nervous when first hearing about Madison's transfer to a crib but calmed when realizing she would have her own crib as Madison recently tried reliving the karate match that played out during pregnancy. Brooklyn handles it all with class as seen by the nice block she put up. (Don't be fooled by the closed eyes as Madison was demonstrating black belt caliber techniques at the time of the photo)
(Brooklyn putting up some very intentional defense)