Monday, April 22, 2013

Oxygen, Bottles & Cribs, Oh My!

Sorry in advance for some of the poorly lit pictures.  The NICU doesn't have much bright lighting and, despite being quite photogenic, the babies don't love flashes.

Yet another event-filled week for our lovely ladies. As a result of her weight (back up to 4 lbs 1 oz on 4/21) and proving she can maintain her own body temperature, Brooklyn has graduated to a crib! We've warned her to be careful not to grow so quickly as to exceed the weight limit specified on the crib as seen below though.

(Brooklyn's new crib)

(Brooklyn's new crib)

It's Madison we should watch out for though as she's already at 3 lb 8 oz, 6 oz more than her birth weight, and growing quickly. Much of this may be attributed to the girls' newly acquired (almost) skill...bottle feeding. They are practicing remembering to breathe while taking their feeding, an important element as one might imagine.

(Feeding Madison)

The girls held strong for almost 2 weeks without oxygen but eventually succumbed to their "Thanksgiving dinners." The medical staff says that these large feedings they receive every 3 hours not only push the limits of the belly but also leave less room for the diaphragm to breathe. This was basically expected and is no big deal as they receive a very small amount of supplemental oxygen and aren't expected to be on it for all that long.

(Madison on oxygen)

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1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that the girls are doing so well, stay well and we can't wait to see more! Margaret, Chris, and Phoenix
