Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's a bird. It's a plane. Nope, it's 3 cows!

As many of you know, one of Danny's favorite places is Chick-Fil-A.  He dines there frequently, can tell you about the menu, has turned many people on to their breakfasts, and on a rare occasion can be spotted dressed as a cow showing up for free chicken.  When we first found out we were pregnant, Aunt Laura and Gigi (Grandma) found little cow costumes that without question, the future children of Danny must have.  Chick-Fil-A is currently having a cow appreciation contest and given Danny's obsession we knew we had to enter.  Here are a few pictures of our twin calves. We hope you will vote for us.

Vote for Danny and the girls as the cutest cows around!

Brooklyn (left) & Madison (right)

Daddy and Brooklyn
Not Pictured: Madison who was vocalizing her unhappiness with her outfit

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