Saturday, August 24, 2013

2 babies, 4 months - 8/26

The girls hit 4 months on Aug 7th and are already practically at 5 months now!

They are doing great!  They are increasingly engaging, playful and interactive.  It's probably due to all the sleep they get...thanks to them, Mom and Dad consider themselves the most well-rested parents of twins ever, as they have slept through the entire night ever since August 1st (but who's counting)!!

Brooklyn talks so much these days that it's hard for Madison to get a word in edgewise.  Even then, Madison still manages to sneak in a few words.  It's hard to believe that with all the talking (and occasional screaming) that either of them are still on oxygen, but they are.  Brooklyn just passed the oxygen test at the doctor's office yesterday which qualifies her to do the 24 hour at-home test.  We've been down this road once before so we're cautiously optimistic.

Madison seems to like following in her younger sister's footsteps and does so about 2-3 weeks behind, which means we might expect her to pass the oxygen tests a few weeks after Brooklyn.  While Dad works, the girls clearly have fun playing dress-up.

These clothes aren't from the normal assortment as one may notice.  "Papa J" (Grandpa Abrams) sent these to be worn.  Clearly, he supports Dad's cause. 

The girls spend a good deal of time hosting and attending dinner parties and other events although we are still careful about taking them out in too many public areas because of the respiratory risks.  The farmer's market is a Sunday favorite though. 

"Tummy time" is becoming increasingly popular with the girls.  First, they would get quickly frustrated, and Madison certainly wasn't interested in this activity at all but both are coming around and getting quite good at it.  In addition to having strong necks, they often demand to use their legs with a little bit of parental support.  Brooklyn's goal is to skip the crawling stage and get straight to walking.  We'll see how that goes...

1 comment:

  1. Cutest Twins EVER! I can see that Grandpa Jeff hasn't developed any better style sense!!! Oh well...good thing the girls look good in anything!
    Love you all!
    Aunt Susan & Uncle Ken
