Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fun and games - 2/09/14

The girls are thrilled, Mommy called her boss and told him she's not coming back to work next year either!  This means the three girls can keep playing all throughout the days.  The time has come though where the family room floor is less exciting than it once was so Mommy has to get creative to keep things interesting.

If Mommy doesn't act fast enough, the girls take matters into their own hands.  While neither are formally crawling yet, they have no problem traversing an entire room in a minute or so when Mom and Dad's backs are turned.  Each has their own preferred mode of transportation...Brooklyn spins in circles or pushes herself backwards, and Madison rolls and rolls until she reaches her destination.  

(Madison on left, Brooklyn on right)

This was the first combined bath time.  In fact, the pink tub here has since been retired and replaced with a laundry basket that accommodates two babies much more efficiently.  Bathtime is still a household favorite.  Just stepping into the bathroom is a cause of great excitement. 

As of Feb 7th, ten months had passed since the girls first rolled into the NICU with a dozen tubes and wires attached.  While oxygen is still a fact of life around here for nap and bedtime, we try to spend most of the day detached. 

Madison is happy to show off a favorite item of hers, Mr. Frog.  Mr. Frog typically never gets to leave the crib so this is an exciting moment picture during the "10 month" photo shoot.

It's been a long-time coming but Madison has finally figured out how to hold her own bottle.  Boy how the little things make a difference by freeing up extra hands for Mom and Dad. 

Gigi (Lindsay's mom) has spent plenty of time watching the girls lately and, admittedly, didn't now what to do when both girls crashed at the same time.  Instant respect for mom and all her hard work and multi-tasking at moments like this!

Last week during extremely cold conditions here in Colorado, our furnace couldn't keep up.  In the 2 days it took to get a new one installed, we spent plenty of time at Gigi and Grandpa's house warming up.  While the girls always adapt well to different environments, they weren't feeling especially well at that time, and Brooklyn was quite convincing this time that she'd feel better if Mom and Dad allowed her to sleep with them for just a few hours. 

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