Sunday, May 18, 2014

13 months -05/18/14

The girls are starting to interact much more than before, rather than just simply acknowledge each other's existence.  In spite of her almost uncontrollable energy, Brooklyn takes the time to give out lots of hugs and kisses.  Madison doesn't always appreciate the gestures and often gets frustrated and a bit angry when Brooklyn offers her love.

(Brooklyn on left, Madison on right)


Madison is very engaged in her surroundings and points at everything.  We think she likes us to tell her what she's pointing at as she's starting to expand her just-started vocabulary.  Well, that may be a bit of a stretch but she is definitely using the first syllable of many words in the right context like: baby, book, bath, more, pa (for Grandpa).  She has been using sign language for a while now to tell us when she wants "more" or is "all done."  The problem is, she'll ask us for "more" but we don't always know if she wants more food, toys or something else. 



Both girls hate anything on their head or face including hats, bows, sunglasses or whatever so it's a bit of a rare moment to catch such happiness under the circumstances (thanks to Aunt Susan for the sweet shades!).  Past moments captured with headbands are usually a result of significant distractions. 

We LOVE the water!  After spending a day at the river that runs through the local park, Mom and Dad rushed out to buy this water table and a mini, inflatable water park with a slide.  So far, the water table has been a hit!  Even as the weather cooled into the evening and a breeze moved in, Brooklyn couldn't help but squeel continuously with joy as she soaked herself till she shivered on her first day playing. 


The girls both love attention, (and get plenty of it anywhere we go)...thanks for keeping up with their blog!

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