Sunday, June 23, 2013

Packin' on the ounces - 6/23

Almost two weeks have passed since the last update and the girls haven't been weighed for almost as long.  Even then, Brooklyn and Madison came in at 7 lbs 4 oz & 6 lbs 6 oz at the last check.  We're nice about how we tell them but the baby fat is becoming more obvious. 

(Brooklyn trying on her new sun hat)

(Madison hanging on her lounger)

The girls spend a great deal more time together now at home and are starting to seemingly recognize each other.  They'll even reach out to each other from time to time when placed within reach of the other.  Eye contact is becoming more constant and Brooklyn has shown signs that she might even start intentionally smiling at us, given a good reason of course.

While public appearances aren't yet a common occurrence, we've started venturing out into the world a little more.  Brooklyn made a detour after the doctor the other day to visit Dad at work.  Both girls toured the local farmers market and even dropped by Home Depot to help pick out a new dishwasher.  Walks around the neighborhood and BBQ'ing out back still tend to be the most frequent "adventures" for now though. 

As far as the days ahead, Grandpa Jeff (Abrams) is coming from Florida to meet the girls for the first time next week and Brooklyn has another shot at getting her oxygen off.  When Madison heard this, she gave Brooklyn a high-five for encouragement.  It's been a long-time coming and we still have high hopes it'll happen this time as she missed her chance last week after passing only 2 of 3 parts to the oxygen test.  

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