Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Beat Goes On

We finally got our hands on more professional photos that we had taken, but this time outside the hospital at home.  The blog updates have been fewer, and for that we apologize, but as you can see, we quite literally have our hands full...

The girls love their nursery but not nearly as much as being held, something that Mommy doesn't appreciate or have the ability to do very easily while Dad is working. 

They've stayed on a schedule pretty well since leaving the hospital, eating every 3 hours, but since eating (coupled with changing and burping) takes at least an hour, the nights are long, but that's old news to those other parents out there. 

(Brooklyn napping in one of her favorite positions)

The oxygen continues for both girls so the photo shoot provided a nice break from those remaining pesky tubes.  Brooklyn has an appointment with the doctor on Friday to be tested again to see if she can come off the oxygen finally.  Madison isn't expected to be ready quite yet but will get a "courtesy testing" anyway while we're there for her sister.  

(Mom with Madison)

The girls have slowly been introduced to all their wonderful friends and family.  They continue to be fragile and need to stay healthy but look forward to the many other visitors that would like to come see them.  


1 comment:

  1. You have been so blessed! I miss seeing you at Bradford but think of you often and wonder how you are with little to no sleep. As I send my last baby off to college in the fall...cherish these moments. Love and miss you - Linette
