Sunday, September 29, 2013

Family Fun - 9/29/13

As of last week the girls weighed in at 10 lbs 11oz (Madison) and 11 lbs 10 oz (Brooklyn).  Madison goes to the G.I. doctor tomorrow to further attempt to figure out some dietary issues that leave her a bit cranky many afternoons.  Things have gotten much better since mom made a few diet changes for Madison's benefit already though. 

There has been no shortage of quality time with family as of late.  The girls have been quite busy as seen below....

(Watching the CSU Rams game with Grandpa Swanson)

(Lazy day in pajamas with Brooklyn & cousin Kaylee from Florida)

(Cousin photo)

Aunt Lucy, cousin Iris and cousin Kaylee came out for a fun-filled extended weekend recently.  The girls went to Oktoberfest, played at a couple of different parks and, generally, just had fun.

(Madison watching cousin Kaylee feed the ducks at the park)

(Madison envying the kids on the playground)

(Brooklyn getting out of the stroller to stretch)

In between all the fun, and the previously mentioned G.I. doctor's visits, the girls also see a pulmonologist and will soon participate in a sleep study at Children's Hospital to try and get to the bottom of this oxygen thing.  And speaking of sleep, we now know it's true that all good things must come to an end as 6 weeks of sleeping through the night has now turned into 1-2 mid-night feeds. 

(Madison, left, with Brooklyn, Aunt Lucy and cousin Kaylee)

(Aunt Jamie finally getting 2 babies without one crying)

The pediatrician has said this might be a good indication that it's time to start slowly introducing solid foods to help them stay full throughout the night.  We have yet to do this but expect to do so within the week.  The girls also caught a cold recently and are still fighting it, so the sleep could be due, in part, to that as well. 

(Madison proving to "Gigi" Swanson that she'll sleep just about anywhere)

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