Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall, Football and Fabulous Food - 10/15/2013

Hello again everybody!  The girls are staying so busy they hardly have time to post but welcome back!....The last few weeks have held Denver Broncos football, Colorado State University tailgating, a Children's hospital oxygen evaluation sleep study, Brooklyn's first teeth!!!, and more!  (Many events not yet pictured will be shown next post)

(Dad w/ Brooklyn)

Football season is in full swing and the girls show up to each game with their game faces on but the general lack of emotion depicted is due to the Denver Broncos' ability to pull off a 6-0 start to the season with seemingly little effort.  Wins of massive proportion are commonplace now so the girls don't wind up easily just yet.  Check back later in the season. 

(Dad w/ Brooklyn, Grandpa w/ Madison)

The girls relish the opportunity to watch a little football as screen time is not something generally offered to them around the house.  Granted, either one of them will find a TV when it is turned on anyway, regardless of where they are placed in the room, even if it requires neck and body twisting usually seen only at Cirque De Soleil.  We've warned them their necks might stick in a 90 degree position but they continue to watch, unphased. 

(Grandpa w/ Madison)

Within the last week or so, Brooklyn and Madison have also been introduced to the world of "solid" food.  They now include a little rice cereal with their milk in one or two daily feedings.  They are usually receptive and continue to develop the motor skills required to eat this way. 

(Madison's first ever solid food bite)

(Brooklyn's first ever solid food bit)

The busy schedules are mostly full of fun with a little "business" in between.  There is no time to waste outdoors with a beautiful Colorado fall in effect as us Coloradan's know well that snow can interrupt the fall at any time.  For this reason, the girls asked to go to their first corn maze and pumpkin patch, so we did...

(Trying out the "B.O.B." stroller for the first time now that necks are stronger)

(Lost in the corn maze, posing for a photo opp in the bright sun)

Mom and Dad learn little things as they go, such as the need for baby sunglasses (not the kind that Madison previously brough home from having her eyes dilated though).  Each outing gets more comfortable but still comes with LOTS of baggage. 

(An aerial shot of Dad and Brooklyn)

(Mom posing with Madison near the pumpkin patch)

We look forward to posting more in another 2-3 weeks.  In the meantime, the girls are still on oxygen but otherwise look and act as healthy as can be.  Also, after multiple G.I. doctor visits, Mom has been sacrificing the better foods in life for a dairy-free and soy-free diet to accommodate Madison's dietary requests (Dad now suffers as a result too...pizza please!). 

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