Saturday, November 2, 2013

Growing up! 11/02/13

November is upon us and the snow hasn't yet arrived so the girls continue their adventures outside.  While they are just days away from being 7 months old (on 11/07), here is a 6 month picture taken a couple weeks back.

 (Madison of left, Brooklyn on right)

(Brooklyn tailgating with Dad)

(Madison tailgating with Mom)

(The girls visiting their future college)

We haven't done much comparing to the early days to this point but lay out a great example right here.  The "tubs" that the girls took most of their baths in at the hospital are useful at home for a number of reasons but pretty clearly, bathing isn't one of them anymore. 

        (Madison in the hospital)                                                                      (Madison at 6 1/2 months at home)

        (Brooklyn in the hospital)                                                          (Brooklyn at 6 1/2 months at home)

The girls are very aware of each other's presence.  In fact, Brooklyn in particular is very sensitive to her sister when Madison claims to be in distress.  While Brooklyn seems protective on her sister, she doesn't hold back on "borrowing" toys or other objects right out of Madison's hands. 

(Brooklyn on left, Madison on right)

Other milestones and progress include lots of reaching for and grabbing toys, new babbling sounds. sitting up with a little help and more.  Brooklyn has very quickly earned a reputation as VERY social and the center of attention.  Madison is claiming the spot as our analytical child that sits, observes and takes it all in.  Oxygen is still removed during parts of the day but we are at least a couple months away from parting with the tanks completely, unfortunately.  The girls don't mind much though and are happy to keep meeting new people and exploring their environment. 

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