Saturday, November 30, 2013

Little Blessings

A couple weeks ago we enjoyed the blessing of having the girls baptized in the Catholic Church. It was a private event after mass with our families and the girls godparents, Laura (Lindsay's Sister) and Kevin (close friend). Madison was a champ and quietly observed the whole service. She didn't even peep when the cold water was poured over her head and seemed to thoroughly enjoy being held in the air for all to see. Brooklyn on the other hand was very vocal about her unhappiness with the whole situation. Deacon Ched commented that with all her screaming she will probably join the choir when she gets older. 



(Kevin & Laura lighting the candles which symbolizes the light of Christ).

It was a beautiful day as we celebrated God's love and were reminded of what amazing little blessings these two little girls are in our lives!

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