Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tutu's & Headbands- 11/17/13

Fall is in full swing and the Colorado weather is still beautiful.  We have barely even seen a hint of snow this way which is great for the girls and all the activities which they like to partake.  Even so, much of it is still indoors like the Yoga ball. 

(Madison with her bright blue eyes)

(Brooklyn in one of her less feminine outfits)

(Madison observing the photographer closely)

Here, a few weeks delayed as usual, are a select few Halloween pics of our super babies.  Madison was less than intimidating as a smiley superhero.  They get their fair share of practice sitting up with minimal support but Madison admits to cheating here with pumpkins as back support.

(Our own private security team, protecting the perimeter)

The girls hit 7 months on 11/07/2013 and had some timely pictures taken in their nursery.  Madison, not surprisingly took a fairly serious approach to the photoshoot here. 

 There is seldom a dull moment around the house, but if ever there is a lull, Mommy uses that time to play dress up.  And, while tutu's have been done here before, Mommy just can't get enough. 
(Madison on left, Brooklyn on right)

Continued support of the CSU Rams from great fans like these has helped them get to a 6-5 record so far.  Sadly, this is an improvement over the last several years, so we will continue to ensure that these cute fans keep cheering them on. 

(Brooklyn practicing Yoga too)

Today the girls were baptised in the Catholic church so pictures will soon follow this exciting event.  Oxygen is still on and wont be evaluated again for a couple more months.  Look forward to a video or two on the next post for a change too!

1 comment:

  1. So like your dad with all the "posed" pictures! The big difference...he used Butch, our cocker spaniel, as his model...I like your models soooooooooo much better! Love you all!
